About Dear Lillie
Founded in 2009 as a home and lifestyle blog, we opened our own online decor shop in the fall of 2011. Now follow along on all of our media platforms as we launch our for-hire local decorating branch in the greater Williamsburg, Virginia area!

With her background in interiors (New York School of Interior Design) and graphic design (UNC-Chapel Hill & The Art Institute of Charlotte), Jenni created Dear Lillie as a way to blend her passions and talents while still managing to work from home with her two young daughters. Jenni handles the creative design side of the company while working as the primary blog author, photographer, and interior decorator.

Upon his graduation from Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business, Jason signed on to run the business side of Dear Lillie. From handling the day-to-day operations of the shop, to customer service and website management, Jason keeps the wheels turning behind the scenes.

With her background in English (Keene State College) Jamie now contributes to the blog. Her posts and photographs feature her family’s recently begun updating of our beloved late uncle’s home—Bluestone Hill.