Year: 2010

Sorry! I have been a major blog slacker this week! It was a long busy week and the morning sickness that I thought I was finally near the end of came back strong these past few days – yuck! I think the end is in sight though – now I am just dying for that big boost of energy that should come at some point in the next few weeks!

Guess what?

We are hosting another giveaway and this time it is for one of our Briar Children’s Hats!!!!

At the end of this post we will tell you how you can win it!

On another note, it is NOVEMBER!!!! I am so excited. I love November and the official start of the holiday season.

My sister Jamie, and her husband Josh, started building a home about two years ago. Now, when I say building a home, I don’t mean having someone build a home for them, I mean they literally built it themselves with their bare hands (with help from friends and family – especially Josh’s parents).

So, I had a sonogram yesterday. I am a little under 13 weeks so wasn’t sure if they would be able to take a guess or not on whether is was a boy or girl. However, after a little while of not cooperating at all, our little munchkin decided to cooperate nicely and the incredibly sweet sonogram technician informed us that she was 80% sure it was a…
