Month: July 2011

Happy Friday! I have two tutorials that I photographed step by step of, but I haven’t had time to photograph the finished products. I am planning on photographing them tomorrow though, along with the Druke’s great room.

In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to have a giveaway.

We are currently working on two projects to finish off Jamie and Josh’s Great Room (both of which we will have tutorials for), but in the meantime I thought I would show you the mantel Jamie just finished in there (except for the moss balls on the right – she is planning on adding more of those as soon as she has some time to finish making them).

Happy Fourth of July!

Here are a few photos that Jamie took of Lillie and her new best friend, Duke, down at the farm stand on Saturday. I am not sure if Lillie had more fun eating the homemade donuts or playing with the dogs! For more pictures of the farm stand I have a post from December here and last August here.

I just wanted to post a quick congratulations to my little brother, Jason! Except for my parents the rest of us weren’t able to make it out to South Bend for his graduation so we are having a little party for him this evening.  Congratulations, Jason!

A few nights ago he helped me take some pictures of Lillie and Lola in the new Lorelei tutu and I got this shot of him holding Lola. 

I hope you all have a beautiful Sunday!

First, I want to apologize for the horrible photos in the post. By the time I got over to Jamie’s last night it was dusk so it was nearly impossible to get any good shots. We tried to shine one of the industrial worklamps they have there in the room but it really just ended up casting some weird shadows.  Also, I think this project would be better suited for a nursery but as Jamie is trying to save up her money to finish off accessorizing the main rooms downstairs we thought it would be a nice temporary fix to her guest bedroom.