Month: October 2011

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I didn’t do a whole lot for decorating for fall in our family room because it is the room we spend the most time in and the room where things get moved around the most (for instance the coffee table often gets it’s items pushed to the side so Lillie can color or we can snack and things like that).

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Here is the side by side of the photo before I did anything to Lola’s eyes and after I made the eyes “pop” (with some added texture and an action applied). This isn’t a very interesting or creative shot but I wanted to use a new photo for this tutorial instead of one I had already edited and neither Lola or Lillie were very cooperative the other day.

I am so excited to be offering you all a chance to win a

$50 Gift Certificate 

to Timeless Settings!

Timeless Settings is a wonderful online shop run by a very sweet woman named Donna. 
The shop is full of amazing home decor items.

Here are a few of my favorite items:

I love this vintage style birdcage.


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 I do a lot of projects that do not turn out how I had hoped. In fact I have done two this fall that were so awful I only had them out in sight for about 24 hours before tossing them.