Month: January 2012


We are knee deep in projects here. I was hoping to show you a few today but haven’t had any time to photograph any yet. It has really been a whirlwind these past few weeks and I am looking forward to things slowing down a bit in another week or so. 

Anyway, even though I don’t have any new projects to show today I thought I would share one of my sister, Jamie’s.

Whew! It was such a busy weekend. I am behind on taking photos so I don’t have anything new to share today (as soon as I finish our bedroom I will share those pictures) but thought I would show you a few photos of our first home. I had to pull out some old CD’s to find the photos of Jon and his Grammy from our wedding and when I did I found some old photos of our first home in South Carolina.  The pictures are awful and my style has changed a bit but still I thought it might be fun to show.

There have been a few times these past few weeks where Lillie has actually wanted to let me take her picture (she normally HATES having her photo taken). I was quite excited when she was all smiley for me yesterday afternoon before we headed to the William and Mary game.

 A little while ago we received a request for a printable that someone could print out to give to a friend who’s family member had recently passed away. I actually had been thinking doing one for a while but had not had time. Then, earlier this week Jon’s grandmother went to be with Jesus.

All right, here is the January quote as promised. I could only take a few close-up shots of it seeing how the rest of the room is still fully decorated for Christmas. Seeing how January will be more than half over by the time we can take it all down I figured I wouldit would be better to just do that and get it up while it was still early in the month. 


To download this for FREE just click here or on the image below and it will bring you to our site where you can download the full PDF file.