Month: August 2012

I grew up playing and loving sports. My siblings and I played just about everything, but we always had a special love for basketball and baseball. Both my parents played basketball and my dad was a basketball coach, and then I met and fell in love with Jon so my life will probably continue to revolve around basketball until the day I die.


We’ve been traveling so I haven’t been on my computer practically at all these last couple days but I just wanted to pop in and announce the winners of our last two giveaways.

First, for the winner of our Goose Creek Candle giveaway:

 Congratulations! Someone from Goose Creek will be in touch with you soon with the information needed to collect your two candles!

We get a surprising number of e-mails that contain photography
related questions. As much as I love taking photos, it is just a hobby and I don’t really know that much about it. I took two college
courses back when I was a senior in high school (in one of those
dual-enrollment programs that our school had) but other than that I have
no real knowledge except what I have learned through lots of trial and