For those of you that know our family, you know that the vast majority of our family is VERY private, so I want to assure you I would never share any of this without their approval. They want for Blake and his life to be able to touch as many people as possible and therefore have opened up their hearts and want to share his testimony with all of you and this entire post has been approved by them and has their blessing.
Last weekend was the most difficult weekend our family has ever experienced. On Friday we found out the sobering news that a grandparent had cancer. Little did we know that the next day that news would seem minor. On Saturday our world was completely turned upside down and life as we knew it completely changed. That afternoon, my sweet little cousin Blake was playing at a friend’s house. He and two of his friends made some paper airplanes and then went out into the woods to find a place to launch them. They found an electrical tower and decided to climb it so they could see how far they could throw their planes. Tragically, as Blake was nearing the top, the electrical current was so strong that it took his life. One moment he was playing and laughing with his friends and then next he was in the arms of our Savior. As horribly tragic as this event was, Blake’s last moments were spent doing what he loved best. Playing out in the woods with his friends; sweet innocent boyhood fun. Paper airplanes will forever hold a precious spot in our entire family’s hearts.
I was watching the William and Mary game on television when my dad called me to tell me what had happened. I wish I could say that I was strong because I was alone with the Lillie and Lola, but I was so overcome I fell on the ground and sobbed hysterically. I couldn’t believe that is could possibly be true. I had thought I know what a “broken heart” was, but I soon learned that I had never known what that truly felt like. It literally was as if someone was ripping my heart from my chest. As many of you know from reading this blog we have an extremely close family. When I was in college I actually lived with my Aunt Patty, Uncle Jeff and their three kids, Robert, Lauren and Blake so they were like a second family to me. Precious little Blake was like my baby brother. I knew what I was feeling was only the tiniest fraction of what my aunt and uncle and two cousins were feeling and my heart was completely broken for them! The grief was paralyzing. The second Jon got home from his game and could watch the girls I hopped in the car and drove as fast as I could to be with them. I cannot describe the shock, pain and heartache of that first night and the following day.
By Monday morning though, it was a completely different scene. The strength and grace that my aunt, uncle and cousins displayed as they have gone through this is something I can’t even begin to put into words. It is a testament though, of their faith in Jesus and the promise that they will see their precious son and brother again and will be spending all of eternity with him. I have never been so proud of them or the rest of my family. Along with my parents and siblings, every one of my aunts, uncles, cousins and their children traveled to North Carolina. Including my cousin, Cathy and her husband who have five children all age five and under. And Cathy had just given birth SIX days before when they traveled from New Hampshire to North Carolina. Yes, you read that right! Now, I want to say that our family is far from perfect. Like all families we have our issues, but we are really close and our love for Blake was so evident last week as we all came together. It was also absolutely incredible to see their community come together and the Body of Christ envelope the Hubbards with love and support. Not only did I feel pride, I felt such an overwhelming feeling of love for our whole family, I also felt so proud to be a Christian as the love that the Hubbard’s church and school family truly displayed the love of Christ. We have a LARGE extended family and I cannot tell you how many of Patty and Jeff’s friends opened up their homes to all of us and made us feel like family. More rooms were offered than were even needed which is hard to believe.
You can see how amazing my aunt and uncle are when you read this statement they gave to the Raleigh News and Observer, “As we mourn the loss of our dear son and brother,
Blake, we want to give thanks to GOD
for his sustaining grace in CHRIST and we want to thank the community
of our friends and family who are supporting us through this,” the
statement said. “We are especially grateful to students and faculty of
Trinity School, where Blake was dearly loved and where he loved to be.
We welcome your prayers.”
I wish I were a better writer and could convey to you Blake’s spirit and his personality. He was the sweetest little thing. As my aunt said, he was “a seven year old trapped in fourteen year old’s body”. He was smart, funny and full of life. Like his parents, and his brother and sister, he was incredibly athletic and was a talented tennis player. He was so sweet and innocent, and always had an impish
little grin on his face. Chip Denton, who spoke at his service described
him perfectly:
was never anything serious, never anything malicious or mean, but
somewhere beneath that smile was simmering a plot of some sort. Usually
it was the sort of thing a teacher has to pinch herself hard so as not
to laugh about, while she goes about correcting him. That apple didn’t fall far from the tree, did it?
and Patty said the other day, in one of those rare respites that the
grieving get from their hard, agonizing labor of sorrow—they laughed
that finally Blake was in a place where no one would have to tell him to
hurry up. He was the original Unhurried Child. Mrs.
Whisenhunt remembers that last year, in eighth grade, Blake would still
be eating his lunch well past lunch, past recess, and into fifth period
she said one day ,”You have all this time to eat lunch! Why does it
take you so long to finish eating. “It’s CPM’s,” he said. “Chews Per Mouthful. I need more chews per mouthful than the average person.”
was planning to spend Saturday night with a friend sleeping over, and
they were setting their alarms for 3 am, to get up and watch the
Australian Open. And when he died, two of his friends were with him. Awful for them—and we must pray for these friends—but thank God that when our Blake died, he was not alone. One minute he was with his friend, the next second he saw a bright light and was with Jesus.
He was such a loving boy. One woman at his funeral spoke of her memories of him snuggling up to his mom and sister, Lauren, for years as he sat in the bleachers watching his older brother Robert play baseball. That was such a perfect description of him. One of my favorite memories of him was how he used to snuggle up with his mom and tell her how he loved her “all the way to God and back”. In fact, I loved it so much that I shared it with Jon when we were dating and he had that inscribed inside my wedding band. It has always been special to me but now even more so.
Blake’s funeral last Tuesday was a sight to behold. It was held in
the gymnasium at his school, Trinity School of Durham and Chapel Hill
and people were lining the walls and spilling out into the hall. His
love for Jesus was so wonderfully displayed in everyone that spoke about
him. And that is what I really want to share with you all as you read this. The testimony of his precious life and faith in Jesus. Again, I am not a writer so I am just going to quote directly from Chip Denton again and his words from Blake’s service:
you have always joked about being the last person who should have
worked in a school, you who didn’t exactly take to school. Brother, you schooled me good yesterday: If anyone is in Christ, he is new creation. Alive. Present tense. With the Lord. Home. Safe. Waiting on us poor sinners whose labors are not yet done. Blessed forever. Indestructible. Blake Hubbard is so alive right now that if he grabbed a high voltage wire it wouldn’t even tickle him.
He didn’t plan it this way, but God did. Friends, this might be Blake’s best chance to tell us all about his Jesus. I think he’s got our attention, don’t you? Are we listening?
In the days since his passing I know so many lives have been touched by sweet Blake and his love for Jesus. Because this blog is such a public forum there is just one that I am going to share with you because I have permission from my dear cousin Lauren.
This is a direct quote from Maggie’s facebook page from this Saturday night (Maggie is Robert’s girlfriend):
week ago today I WEPT with Lauren at the loss of her little brother,
but tonight at church I cried tears of JOY with her as I watched her
proclaim her faith by being baptized. What a breathtaking image of her
REBIRTH through Christ. I am blown away by her strength, wisdom and
ability to CLING to her Savior in this time. PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!”
I am so sorry. Praying for you and your entire family.
So very sorry for your loss! Prayers have been sent!
My sincere condolences on your loss, Jennifer. God's blessings on you and all your family at this difficult time.
Jenni, he really was the cutest thing ever! One of the greatest privileges of my life has been living next door to your Aunt Patty. I think I told you that my kids are the same ages of hers. Lee and Blake were just 11 days apart in age. My Lee is a great boy, but he is overly tall for his age and is not allowed to participate in sports. But Blake always made Lee feel a part of things. Even if a bunch of boys were playing sports and Lee was just sitting on the wall watching them, Blake had a way of making everyone feel included. He really was a special boy.
Thank you for sharing his story so freely, Jenni. I am so grateful that even this tragic story WILL have a happy ending. We WILL see Blake again, and won't it be wonderful?
Much love,
Thank you for taking the time end energy to put this story out there, to share your grief. We don't always know who reads our words on a blog and is affected deeply by them. But Blake's testimony is a powerful story to share. I live in Raleigh, and I know I could have read an obit or heard a news story, but I would never have the same emotional reaction as I would to sharing in your words here. Bless you all and prayers to your entire family.
Oh my! My heart is breaking for you and your family too. Such a precious child…so tragic…thanks for sharing his story and pictures. You have a wonderful family. I remember seeing the saying on your chalkboard and thinking it was more for an adult passing or sick…that may have been for the grandparent. I'm glad that it was "well" with Blake's soul.
Weeping with you and your family yet rejoicing for the hope and assurance that Jesus brings. Will be praying for you all as this new journey begins.
In Christian Love, Lorraine
Oh, I am so sorry. I can't imagine the grief. Praying for your family. It's such a comfort to know He knew Jesus.
I am so sorry about the loss of beautiful Blake and what you and your family are going through. Thoughts and prayers are with you all.
I am so sorry for your family's loss. You are in my prayers.
Praying for your family.
Mary Ellen
I am so sorry for your loss of Blake! Thanks for your testimony of the grace God pours out on his people when we need it. Praying for them now.
Deepest thoughts and pleadings to God to comfort all of you. It is obvious that you are a family that love God and each other and represent Jesus well! You will have a great reunion someday.
What a wonderful tribute to Blake. Obviously his life touched many. So sorry for your family's loss.
Prayers and hugs,
I am so sorry for your loss. Praise God he had come to know His Saviour at such an early age. I lost a 16 year old sister in a auto accident and the one thing that will keep you all going is the fact that he is in the arms of his Lord. We will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Laura
This is the sadest thing I have ever read. What a precious child he was. I will pray for you all.
Jenni, thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony to Blake. Through your words and photos I feel as though I got to meet this beautiful young man filled with love and faith. May your wonderful and heartfelt memories of Blake help to comfort all of you in the days ahead. Keeping you all in our prayers….
Jenni, I am so sorry for your families loss. I can't even imagine the heartbreak your family is enduring. Their love of Christ is amazing and strong. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
My heart breaks for the horrible loss that your family is going through right now. I am so very sorry. You wonderfully conveyed what a special boy Blake was. It is such a blessing that your family has Jesus in their lives to bring a measure of peace during this time of painful grief. I will be praying for your family.
What a beautiful boy, beautiful family. We will all hug a little tighter tonight.
I am so sorry for your families.
I am so very sorry for the loss of Blake. What a wonderful, sweet boy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. ~Tammy
As tears are streaming down my face, I still find joy that Blake his with our heavenly Father. A beautiful testimony for a beautiful little boy. My heart and mind will be focused on you and your family but especially his parents Jeff and Patti. Blessings, Di
Jenni, My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you, There is not much more I can say, I often wonder why things like this happen, It doesn't seem fair. I am truly sorry to hear such news.
o my, I am so sorry for your loss. You're in my prayers.
Love from Holland
Jennifer, this makes me so sad for your family…but there is glorious hope in seeing him in heaven someday!
My thoughts and prayers go out to your family. Patty, Jeff, Lauren & Robert – my heart breaks for you. I am so sorry for your loss. This was a beautifully written post Jenni, and I was so thankful to see the photos of Blake. With deepest sympathy, Sherri
Although I read your blog, I don't comment here often but this is just heart wrenching, I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. Thank you for sharing your nephew with us…he sounds like he was an amazing young man.
Very beautiful, I will continue to pray for you and your extended family…Shelley (mcardle4atcenturyteldotnet)
Your family will be in my prayers.
I have tears as I writte this. My prayers go out to your family. Such a sweet boy! There is an angel looking down at all of you right now, and he is waiting for each and everyone of you to join him.
Jenni, you don't know me, I am just one of your many "blog-stalkers" whose life you touch thru your fabulous blog. I have been praying for your family without knowing what I was praying for, but GOD knew. I will continue to pray that your grief is eased. Thank you for sharing your photos and memories of such a beautiful boy with your readers. Through him, your blog is sharing the joy of Christ with others. My sadness for your family is steeped with joy for Blake that he got to go home to GOD. May He wrap His arms around your family and bring you comfort until you all get to go home and be with Blake again.
Jenni, what a beautiful tribute you have written for your dear cousin Blake. I wish there were words I could say that could heal your heart and the hearts of your entire family. Please know that even though I am at a loss for words, my prayers will continue for you and your family, especially Blake's parents and siblings.
My heart breaks for you and your family. You wrote a beautiful tribute to him … such a precious boy. Praying for you and your family.
What a beautiful tribute to Blake..
You and your family are in my prayers..
My thoughts and prayers go out to your family. I don't comment here often Jennifer, this makes me so sad my condolences on your loss.
May God pour his blessings out upon you and your extended family. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet sweet cousin. Thank you for allowing us into your family and blessing us with his memory and love for Jesus!
Jenn, I am so sorry….your post was so touching and a true testament to how this young man made such an impact on your family's life. We don't always understand God's plan, but one I have learned, is that our children and loved ones belong to HIM and we are just privileged to be able to love and live with them. Sometimes loved ones are just too good to remain here with us…..and they deserve better….however, this doesn't stop the hurt and pain of losing him so soon. Hang in there and believe that this young man has gone forward to a much better place and you and your loved ones will be with him again one day….in the meantime, your babies have a new guardian angel … Much love to you Jenn,
I am so sorry for your family's devastating loss. I can only imagine the sorrow you are all feeling.
"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of you right hand and says to you. Do not fear, I will help you." Is.41:13
I have never commented before but I just want you to know that I am so sorry for the loss of this amazing little boy. Praying for you and your family.
I am so sorry for the loss of Blake. He seems like such a special boy. I am so glad he has made the decision to accept Jesus as his savior, because that means that this is only goodbye for a little while! The story of his life, shared here, will touch so many people and I pray that it will draw them closer to God as they consider eternity.
You and your family are in my prayers.
By sharing this, you have allowed Blake's beautiful spirit to be shared with many, thank you. I can not imagine the depths of heartache his parents must be feeling, but it is a testimony to the enveloping love of Jesus to read know they feel comfort at this horrific time in knowing that Black is in the arms of our Lord. My faith has never been stronger than when my mother died. It can't be explained but when you feel like you should be falling apart into a million tiny pieces, something grabs hold of your heart and holds you together. It's the peace that passes understanding and it is apparent that your family is blanketed in that comforting peace.
Praying for your family in this most difficult time. What a beautiful tribute! Thank your for sharing your families incredible faith and sharing Blake's love for Jesus.
I am so sorry. So so tragic. He was a "sweet" boy. So handsome and so loved.
Such an innocent act….who could have known. I hope your faith pulls you through this time. (((((HUGS)))) and prayers to you and your family.
Jennifer, I just got off my knees from praying for you and your family. I too had been praying not knowing what it was. I knew from your statement on your chalk board that it must be the "home going" of someone very dear. But oh, aren't you glad you could write that statement, "it is well with my soul"! Like you saud, (which I think you did a great job writing about this most difficult time), I'm not much of a writer either. So it's hard to put into words my heart-felt sympathy for you at this time. I think it's best to let the only One Who can really give us comfort speak: Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."
This post was written with such love. I am so sorry for your terrible loss of this beautiful child. I am keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers.
My deepest sympathy to you and your family on the loss of Blake. Through your words and photographs, one can see what a joy he was. Our family also lost a young niece and cousin to a tragic accident. It is something you never forget, and changes your world forever. However, just as Blake, she loved Christ more than life itself. That is what gave us peace, and I hope it brings peace to all the broken hearts in your family, too. Hugs and prayers for all.
When I saw the picture of a young boy on my sidebar for your post, my heart sank. No one should ever lose a child. So, so sad. Your post was beautiful, and beautifully written. A very wonderful tribute to him and his family.
Dear Jennifer,
Reading your beautifully written post…praying for your family…reflecting on my family…and remembering what's truly important is a gift you've given me today.
I thank you…for giving me the gift of Blake.
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Jen xo
It is difficult to find the words after reading this post. I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family.
Oh mY God, there are no words. JUst a big thank you for sharing the most precious testimonial of a precious family and a precious boy. Separation hurts, but we know is for a while. What great hope we have in God and Jesus. Prayers out to you and yours. Blessings, Marta
First, thank you for sharing such this news with us. Your story was a beautiful tribute to a beautiful young man. Taken from this earth to soon. Second, I want nothing more then you, your family and particularly Blake's parents and siblings to find comfort and peace during their time of grief. I will keep you all in my thoughts.
Hugs to you,Laura
I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. What a horrible thing to happen. Our hearts and prayers go out to you and your family. I don't even know what to say. May God watch over you all during this time.
This is sooo heartbreaking. I am so sorry to see such a beautiful boy lose his life in such a tragic turn. Sending my prayers and compassion to you and Blakes family~he was such a bright light and its such a loss.
My heart is breaking for your family. What an incredible young man and an incredible family. Their love and faith in Christ in such a difficult and grieving time is inspiring. I know that Blake is in Heaven with the creator, and that is a wonderful place to be. Big hugs and prayers for all that were touched by Blake.
Oh Jennifer, I am so saddened to hear of the loss of your little cousin. I have been keeping your family in my prayers, and will definitely be continuing to do so. What a beautiful legacy Blake has left behind. He looked like he enjoyed life here, and it's such a comforting thought to know he is enjoying a place where we all are aiming to go.
May God continue to guide and strengthen you all.
no words, Jen, no words. Just prayers and tears. Because I'm a problem solver by nature, I will say Starlight Ministries is an amazing group for teens/young adults dealing with sibling loss.
Losing Blake… I can only begin to imagine how devastating that is for your family. But how wonderful that you have the assurance it is a TEMPORARY loss. That he is flying paper airplanes, hitting home runs, laughing with his very best friend, Jesus, while waiting where time no longer matters to welcome you home someday, too. I so appreciate the strength it took to share his story and testimony. Somewhere, there's someone – maybe many – who will be forever, positively changed by it. Will be praying for your family in the days ahead.
So sorry for your loss. Many more lives have been touched by Blake's life and hope in Jesus through your sharing his story. Blessings to you and your entire family!
Hi Jennifer,
I am truly sorry for your loss. Knowing he is the arms of the angels will help guide you through your healing.
With love & prayers,
I am so very sorry Jenni. My heart goes out to your family during this very difficult time. What a beautiful, handsome boy Blake was and what a precious, precious soul.
Your family remains in my thoughts and prayers….
With sympathy,
Love and prayers to your whole family. May God keep you all in his loving care.I lost my younger brother to a strange accident and I know it is very hard. Knowing he is with the Lord and the Lord is with you is the only thing that makes this bearable. That and the love of your family and friends.
Jennifer, what a precious and loving tribute to your young cousin. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family. May God's peace, strength and love surround you all. much love, Debra
Praying for you and your family! Thank God we have the reassurance of seeing our loved ones again in heaven! I have been reading your blog for a few months and I have been meaning to say, I knew your family in Baltimore. Your dad was our gym coach, I got many rides in the back of your dad's truck driving down 95 after games and practices! Please tell your family the Colban family from Baltimore is praying for them!
I am so sorry to hear this. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child.
Your strong family, and your family's strong faith, will help in easing some of that pain.
He was a beautiful young man.
God Bless…
So very sorry for you and your family's loss. This was a wonderful tribute to him. You can tell he was loved very much and was a great kid. Sending prayers your way.
Our condolences to you and your family-such an awful tragedy.
What a beautiful soul Blake is-may he live forever in your hearts.
I was suddenly widowed in my 40s, when our twin children were 21 and in college. Grief counseling was very helpful to all of us those first few months. I highly recommend it.
Again, may you find some measure of peace in your hearts as time goes on.
Such a sweet boy.I wish I could heal the pain-it's so hard to lose a child!!I am so glad that he knew Jesus and is safe in His arms forever.Praying for you and the family!!
I am so sorry for your loss. Such wonderful pictures, you can really see his happy spirit shine right through in his pictures.
God Bless,
Jennifer what a beautiful tribute to Blake and his family. It is evident that was very loved! Sending prayers to your entire family during this time!
My sympathy to your family. Blake lived his life as a beautiful testimony to God. May God give you comfort and peace.
What a heart breaking and yet inspiring experience your family has been through. Thank you for reminding all of us that even in unimaginable grief we can find strength and hope through our faith in the Lord.
My prayers are with you and all those who knew and loved this special little boy.
God bless…
I pray that the limitless mercy of God will wash over you and your family, and that your hearts will be flooded with the ever present help that we are promised in times of trouble. My heart in broken for you.
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord for Blake's wonderful life! I pray the peace that passes ALL understanding to fill your home and the Hubbard's home even as I type this. Praise the Lord that we have the Hope of Jesus return and we will all be together again!!!
Hi Jenni…you ARE a writer and did a beautiful job. I don't know if you have ever read the blog An Inch of Gray. The author is Anna and her son, Jack was killed in a flash flood. A freak, senseless accident like the one that took Blake. Perhaps your aunt/uncle would find some peace by talking to another couple who actually survived the unthinkable. Maybe you could comment on her blog…just a thought. We all handle grief in our own way. I will add my prayers to the thousands already said.
My heart aches for you and your family. I sobbed while reading your post, therefore you must be good writer. It sounds like Blake has had a full life for one so young. And now he is surrounded by the love of Jesus. He waits and watches for his family to join him. And I am sure that God has a work for him to do, even now, in the spirit world, teaching others about the grace of our Savior. He is such a valiant soul.
What a beautifully written tribute to Blake. Thank you for sharing this with us, Jennifer. I am so sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. You are in my thoughts.
Oh my gosh, thank you for sharing this. I live in North Carolina and i saw the news article. I'm so so sorry, … what a beautiful boy. He was just being playful. His spirit flew away just like his paper airplane. It's so wonderful that through this incredible shocking thing, your family is close and has a strong spiritual belief to help hold you and heal you. My heart goes out to all of you…
I am so so sorry. I too lost my son 4 years ago this Christmas. My tears flowed and my heart aches for you and your family. Blake reminds me a lot of my own sweet boy. He gave the best hugs and had the most heart warming smile ever. Stay close to your savior it is the only way to get through the hard road ahead. You will never be the same, you will always look at life differently, there will be days when you don't think you can go on, but through prayer and the love of Christ you will learn to smile again. My son, Clint, loved the book The Little Prince, and in it the prince tells the man when he is leaving to go home to look up at the stars "When you look up at the sky at night, since I'll be living on one of them, since I'll be laughing on one of them, for you it'll be as if all the stars are laughing. you'll have stars that can laugh!" Remember to look at the stars and know that he is with his savior and is happy and laughing. My thoughts and prayers will be with you, and again I am so sorry.
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family.
so very sorry for your loss. as i am sitting in my reading class right now, i am fighting back tears. what a sweet boy. i just keep thinking that it could be kyan. keeping you all in my prayers.
What a sad post……my prayers are with you and your whole familly…love from me…xxx..
What a beautiful child of God Blake is, (I say is, because as you know, he is so much more alive now than he ever was on earth), and I pray the testimony of his life will reach many people, young and old. Your words and photos are such a beautiful tribute to him. It is my prayer that the Lord's arms are felt tightly around you as you grieve and share with each other the precious times you had with Blake in your lives. Your love for the Lord brings you the certainty of seeing Blake again some day in heaven and I am so thankful for that assurance.
My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. How precious that you have his sweet words with you on your wedding band…what a beautiful connection you have to a beautiful little boy. I'm soo sorry for your loss.
I cried through the entire post. My family has also been through great tragedy, but God has been faithful amidst all the pain. I am so sorry you are having to walk through this. Please thank your family for allowing you to share Blake's story. He is a beautiful reflection of our saviour! It may be a long road ahead, but it is encouraging knowing we are not ever alone on our journey. Jenni you are a blessing and I am thankful to God that your are so true to your faith in Him. I am praying for all of you!
i'm at a loss for words. truly….this post has touched me deeply. I WILL keep you all in my thoughts and prayers as you begin to heal your hearts and celebrate dear Blake's most amazing life!
My heart is heavy for your family. Your story reminds me of an incident that my family met up with. One of my nephews drowned at age 12, he had recommitted his life to God the night before. God is so merciful and kind. My prayers have been with your family for the last day and a half since I read your last post.
May God's peace reign in your family.
Hugs, Cindy
I couldnt hold back my tears while reading your beautiful tribute to such a precious little guy. My son is the same age as him and I cant even imagine the pain his parents and your entire family are going thru. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for sharing with us Jennifer. I will keep your family in my prayers. Thankfully he is in our Lord and Saviors arms..no pain..no sorrow. ~hugs~ Rachel
Jenni – what a perfect tribute to Blake. Your words convey the love everyone has had for him. Thank you for sharing. Praying for you – Leslie and Hubert
I have been concerned for you and your family since seeing your post last week. Reading your tribute today brought me to tears. As a mother myself, my heart aches to think of the loss of such a sweet young man. Thank you for sharing such a personal experience and explaining some of your beliefs. I too believe your family can be with Blake again. What a beautiful tribute you have given to him and his family. Prayers be with you all.
I have tears streaming down my face. The worst thing imaginable is losing a child. I don't think I could ever cope with losing my daughter. Your family is so strong. I am proud to have you in my life, even though it's through a blog. Blake is beautiful and comes from such a beautiful family. Sending prayers and good vibes to you guys!
I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful testament. Praying that you will continue to find the peace and comfort that only Christ can give.
Thanks so much for sharing that beautiful testimony of the life of Jesus in a family whose heart is breaking but still brings praise to God. Thank you, Thank you! Our prayers are with you.
I cannot imagine what you and your family must be going through. Thank you for sharing this amazing testament of their faith. Our prayers are with you. Hugs.
I'm so sorry. I don't know what else to say. This is my ultimate fear as a parent. Thank you for sharing his pictures with us. You have such a beautiful family and I admire their strength. Best wishes.
Your beautiful family are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry for your loss.
My heart aches for your entire family. My prayers are with you all. Thank you for sharing pictures of this beautiful child of God.
Thank you so much for allowing us to share with you and your wonderful family in this tragic loss, and allowing us to be prayer warriors for all of you. Our prayers are truly with all of you. This post has reminded me to not take for granted one single day that i have with my family, and that I have not taken nearly enough just fun shots of our everyday life. The pictures of Blake are so awesome in showing us what a beautiful child he really was!! Prayers and Hugs to you all
This is just heartbreaking.
He most certainly is safe in the arms of Jesus right now.
Much love and prayers to you all,
I am so very sorry for your loss … thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Thank you for sharing Blake's life and testimony with us during this difficult time. My thoughts, prayers and love to you and your family. May God hold you all close during this trial.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. When sorrow is overwhelming and tears overflow Ps 58:6 is so precious to me – God holds our very tears in a bottle.
Oh Jennifer….I have no words, I am so sorry. What a beautiful young boy full of life. I pray for your whole family for strength and healing. God is taking wonderful care of him, he will always be your angel.
Hugs to you
I know I can't truly even imagine the heartache you all must feel. What a touching tribute to young Blake. Praying that God will somehow bring you comfort and strength during this difficut time.
Dear Family
My English is not so good, but I hope you will understand this…
I will pray for you and your family!
Know that God is with you, he loves you and he will care for you!
Greetings from a sister
Thank you for sharing something so personal with us. What a beautiful reassurance that you will see Blake again! We pray for the peace and comfort of Jesus Christ for you and your family. Thank you for sharing his testimony. You never know who will read it and want to know more about our Savior, even though it was tough for you to write. Much love from a sister in Christ – Kristin.
Oh my goodness! I am so, so sorry for your family's loss. What a sweet, sweet boy! Praying for you and your family during this difficult time. May you feel the calming peace of the Savior.
what a heartbreaking thing to go through for the entire family. and what an absolutely ADORABLE young man! i have no doubt that you all will see him again. but until then, i will keep you all in my prayers! xo
Sending my deepest sympathy to your entire family and praying God will provide strength and comfort for this devastating loss. This was such a beautifully written tribute to your dear Blake and so moving to see all the pictures of him from his short life. I am so sorry Jenni. Sending love and prayers to your family. ~Lili
Jenn, My heart breaks for you and your family. I am so sorry. There are no words. Praying for strength for Blake's parents, and peace. XO
Wow. This certainly had me in tears. I cannot even imagine what your family is going through but I will hold them up in my prayers for strength and peace. They are blessed with the support they (and you) have.
I can only just bawl with you. I am weeping tears for you and Blake and your entire family and his and your circle of friends.
I have no words. I only have these loving tears.
What a beautiful boy. God must have REALLY needed him home to have called him so young.
I am so truly sorry. Deeply and heartfelt sorrow.
Oh my gosh, Jenni, I can't stop crying. Thank you so much for putting this together for us. I can't wait till we all get to go see Jesus and Blake and never be parted again. <3
I am soooo truly sorry for you and all your family!
My tears are just flowing right now.
My sweet 5 year old son just asked me what was wrong and I told him about sweet Blake. He asked me if Blake went to heaven and I told him yes! He said…Good. Then he gets to play with Jesus! Amen to that.
Praying fiercely for your beautiful family. What an amazing God we have! May you feel His hugs tightly thru this tragedy. May God give you peace like never before. What a sweet life Blake lived…and Jesus was so very evident in it! Love and tons of hugs for you all. Thank you for sharing your family's story. We will be praying every day!
Dear Jennifer, This must have been incredibley difficult for you to write about. Thank you for sharing, what a beautiful boy! I can't even imagine what you, and his family must be going through. Many prayers for you and your family!
I read this earlier today but as I was choking on my own tears, I could not reply. I am so sorry for your family. This is just awful. I cannot even fathom the pain y'all must be feeling.
I will pray daily for your family.
Blake reminds me SO much of my boys. Will is 14. Harry is obsessed with paper airplanes. This is so sad. My heart aches for your loss, for the hole left in his parents and siblings hearts.
It is good that you are sharing this Jenni because some people will find God through this example of unwavering faith. Also, I will be talking to my boys tonight about the dangers of climbing electrical towers. I know that by sharing this tragic story of loss and faith in the Lord, you are going to change lives.
I just saw this paper airplane valentine yesterday I and wanted to pass the link on to you. It is a printable.
All my love and prayers,
Jennifer, what a sweet, sweet reminder for us all that there is a better place waiting for us ahead. Blake was precious, simply precious, and I cannot imagine how his parents must be missing him right now. As a mom, my heart breaks for them. Tears are flowing down my face as I imagine their pain. I will keep them in my prayers, as only God can comfort them and give them the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Thank you for sharing such a personal experience. It is such a valuable reminder to cherish our children, for all of our time on this earth is brief. But our time in heaven is eternal……good news <3
Thank you for sharing a bit of the joy Blake brought to your world. Prayers for peace and so many gentle hugs for those left missing him.
Thank you for sharing Blake's story. I am truly sorry for your family's loss, but my heart is rejoicing that Blake knew Jesus as Lord and Savior. To be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord. What a day that will be when you can all meet again.
What a difficult post for you to write. Thank you so much for sharing Blake's life. I am grieving with you and your family, but rejoicing because he is with Jesus. I'm so thankful my husband and kids and I know the Lord. We never know how long our time on earth is. I need to be more vigilant in sharing the Gospel.
We are so saddened by this loss and send our condolences to you and your family. Thank you for sharing Blake’s story and we send prayer’s to his family at this difficult time.
Lots of love from the team at Tagana Rose
What a sweet young man. Prayers for his family.
i am so very sorry for your loss. a new little angel in heaven to look down over your family now. thank you for sharing about this sweet soul, and sharing those beautiful pics. You have honored him beautifully here.i will keep your entire family in my prayers, and a special prayer for Blake's friends who were with him at his passing as i am sure they are suffering terribly as well. may Blake rest in peace always <3
My heart is heavy for you and your family. I pray that God lifts you up and holds you gently as you move through the grieving process. May Blake's terrific spirit give you comfort and guidance.
I too am so deeply saddened by this trajedy – the sorrow that is felt by you and Blake's family is palpable, I am heartbroken. I am encouraged by Blake's own handwriting and the knowledge he found Jesus at such an important time. Hugs and prayers go out to you this week. Kate
Thank you for sharing Blake's story with us. What a special family you have. God's blessing for all of you.
I'm so sorry for what has happened to your family. Thank you for sharing his story. Your family's faith is so encouraging and I pray that it might move others to putting their faith in Christ as well. Wishing hope and healing to you and your family!
OH, How I cried when I read this sad news…My condolences to you and your family and praise to God that Blake knew who he belogned to. God Bless …
Jenni, you did such an amazing job of sharing with us all about Blake and his love for Jesus. I'm sure it was difficult for you. Thank you for doing this for us all – it's so precious to see all those pictures. And to know about Lauren's baptism! We have a mighty God! Love you!
Cathy H.
Oh, Jennifer. I'll be saying prayers.
Your family, Blake's parents and siblings and all who have been brought together by your blog are in my prayers. I saddened so by your loss and touched by your words and especially grateful that I chose to follow your blog to be inspired in many more ways than decor.
I am so sorry. Please find comfort and strength in all the comments left for you.
My prayers are with you all!
You're family's strength is beyond incredible and I pray that Blake's amazing life story leads them to Christ!
What a beautiful tribute! Your family will continue in my prayers.
In tears. Such a sad, but incredible story. His writings in his bible just melt my heart.
Praying for peace and comfort.
My 17 year old nephew had horrific motorcycle accident on Sept 1. His life hung in the balance for weeks. He lost his lower left arm and hand and his lower left leg and foot, but his life was spared. I can understand what you are feeling and I can say I am so very sorry for you and your family's loss. I have prayed without knowing the circumstance and will now pray again.
So very very sorry for your loss. There are no words of comfort, but I pray that Our Jesus would hold you and your family in His loving arms during this time of mourning until you are reunited with Blake in our heavenly home.
Thank you for sharing his story. It's a beautiful tribute to Blake.
My deepest sympathy to you and your family. You are in my thoughts.
Jennifer, this just breaks my heart. What a sweet young boy with a smile that I could tell lit up a room. A life cut far too short. What a most beautiful tribute you wrote and a wonderful way to honor dear sweet Blake. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. A big hug to you.
What a beautiful tribute to an amazing young man and his entire family. My heart breaks for your loss. Perhaps it is a hard lesson for others to learn from. I know you find peace in our Lord's promise to be reunited with our loved ones for all eternity. Marcia
What a beautiful, angelic child, and such an amazing and touching tribute here in your post. My heart is heavy after reading this. My prayers go out to you and your family at this extremely difficult time.
Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
My prayers are with you and the family of this wonderful young boy. How comforting it must be to know that he is in the arms of his Savior.
Oh Jenni, I am so terribly sorry for your tragic loss. What a precious beautiful boy! I know your heart is grieving and my prayers go out to you and all your family. May God wrap his arms around all of you and give you some comfort during this time.
Thank you for sharing this story, although I'm sure it would have been incredibly difficult! He sounds like an amazing little boy. I hope your family continues to find comfort.
My heart goes out to your and your family. My God continue to bless you and give you strength during this difficult time.
I am deeply sorry you and your family are going thru this. It took incredible strength and courage to share this with all of us. You and yours have touched my soul. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
im crying … thank you for share this with us, a new angel is in the heavens… you and your family arein my prayers. sorry for your lost.
Prayers and tears from Versailles in France.
His precious life has touched many through your blog! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! God has you all in His loving arms! I'm so sorry for your loss!
I read this tribute for Blake with tears streaming down my face….My heart goes out to you all during this difflecult time….You are an amazing family …take care ,
Many prayers and love to your family, Jen! Thank you for sharing Blake's beautiful life with us.
Prayers to you and your family.
Blake is now surrounded by endless comfort in the arms of our Lord.
I lost my sister Lynne when she was 11 yrs old.
Sincere sympathy.
I cannot imagine what you and your family are going through. I will include you in my prayers. I am glad though that Blake had such strong faith. What a gift at such a young age.
As I sit here crying for the loss of Blake, my heart breaking as I cannot even imagine what they are going thru, I am praying that the day goes quickly so my own 8 year old miracle boy will jump off that school bus and I can give him the biggest hug ever. God bless you all. 🙂
My family is so saddened by Blake's death, but we are so joyful in god's promise of eternal life with Jesus. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story.
Beautiful tribute/summary post to honor Blake and more importantly, Christ. I will NEVER forget that funeral.
I'm not sure I will ever stop praying for the family and for all those influenced by Blake's life.
I am so so very sorry for the your family's loss. Your post was so beautiful, he was loved so much, that I can see. May the Lord keep you close and comfort you always.
I am so sorry for this incredible loss your family has had. What a beautiful boy. Prayers to you and yours. Marcy
My thoughts are with you and your entire family during this very sad time of loss. xox May you each find the strength to pull through this
so sorry for your loss. <3
My condolences to your family. May God continue to fill your lives with memories of Blake. May he encourage and strengthen your family. Blake is singing with Angels:)
jenni, i'm not sure what to write as i can't even begin to imagine the sorrow. i have a 9 year old son…..my prayers are with you all. susan
What a beautiful tribute you have written for a special young man. Your family is in my thoughts. Cindy
Dear Jennifer,
I'm deeply sorry for your families loss.
Thinking of praying for all of you and his dear
I am so sorry for you and your family and friends.
I cried through your entire post.
My prayers are with you…
I'm so very sorry for your and your family's loss. I will definitely keep your family in my prayers. Hugs and thoughts are with your family.
Thank you so much for sharing this…My heart grieves for this family that I have never met.
My prayers will continue as they now have to learn how to walk through live without having this precious person at their side.. I'm so glad the Lord never leaves us or forsake us!
This is my first time commenting on your blog and I just have to say there are no words that can take yours and your family's pain away. I am deeply saddened by this tragedy.Please know my condolenses are with you and your family.
My heart is so heavy for your family, but I'm so glad you shared. Jesus and friends are the only way we get through times like these. Please know that you and your family will be in my prayers. May HIS strength be with you and yours during this most difficult time. I have an 11 year old boy and this is relative. Although I have never experienced anything of the sort, I sure can relate to the love of a parent. Again, know that we are praying. Much love to you, Anna
I am heart broken for your family. What an adorable young man! Thank you for sharing. I know that death is not forever and that we can be with our loved ones again. My prayers are with you.
This just breaks my heart. I can't imagine what your family is going through and the boys families he was with.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
I am so sorry for your lose here on earth. My sympathy to all of Blake's loved ones both grown and growing. We can see God's hand in Blake's life and can praise and thank Jesus for being Blake's friend and savior., as He is for all who come to Him. I am thankful for the family that encouraged Blake's friendship for all of us who are also saved by Jesus. One day we will be as brothers and sisters in the home of our Savior. I admire you and your family for sharing the life of a young man who taught importane lessons for all of us.
How can something be so tragic and so inspiring at the same time? Your pain is so evident, I cannot begin to imagine…but Praise the Lord that Blake was such a wonderful example at such a young age…the Lord will use this for His good. Prayers for your whole family as you get thru this.
So sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family in this trying time. God Bless.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family all the way from Vancouver, Canada.
Praying & Praiseing God for your Family with Knowledge He is with you carrying you through grief
Jennifer, I've been a little off-grid…I'm so deeply sorry for your family's loss. I'm certainly praying along with you for strength, comfort, and grace. Sending you much love in Christ,
Words can not express the sorrow I feel in my heart for your family. Blake's light surely shined bright. I will certainly pray and continue to pray for the family. May you all find peace and comfort in Christ.
Jennifer, I am at a loss of words. I am so deeply sorry for such a poignant loss to your entire family. What a beautiful testimony of a short life well lived. My prayers are for grace and strength to sustain you and your family through these difficult times. I will look for a new shiny star in the heavens tonight. Yours in Christ, Michelle
My heart aches for you and your family. What a wonderful young man and what a terrible loss. I am so sorry, and you are in my prayers.
I am so sorry for your families' loss. My daughter passed away 11 years ago. Nothing is worse than burying your child. Their faith and yours is so strong, that is what will get them through. Blake will never be forgotten.
What a beautiful family. Your story touched my heart. This beautiful, beautiful child was wise before his years. This family will be in my prayers even though I don't know you. You wrote your family's story very well and I am thankful that you did. Blake's legacy will live on by your courage. My prayers are not only with Blake's family but the two precious boys that were with him. Thank you for this.
prayers xo
Prayers for your family. It is amazing how such a small child can have such a huge spirit and teach us so much about life in such a short time. Prayers for you all.
So very, very sorry to see this. What a precious little angel. May God continue to keep your family surrounded in love.
I am reading with a heavy heart your post. I will be praying for the soul of this boy. That's terrible misfortune. I'm sending condolences entire for family and friends.
Oh, Jennifer, what a beautiful tribute to Blake. It sounds like he had a fun spirit and a love for life. It's such a heartbreaking loss, but it it's wonderful to know that he's now safe with Jesus. My prayers go out to his family and friends ♥
I am so deeply sorry for your family's loss, my prayers are for Blake and his loved ones. You have done a beautiful post and I cried for the better part of the morning. God Bless.
Still praying through tears for you and your sweet family, Jennifer, and for that perfect peace that passes all of our understanding. Your beautiful story of Blake's life has touched my heart deeply.
So sorry to hear of the terrible loss that your family has gone through. Thank goodness, we have that perfect brightness of hope to know that we will see our loved ones again….prayers be with you and your family….and Blake's family….
What a beautiful tribute for your dear Blake. Praying for your family.
I am speechless, you did a beautiful job writting about this young man. My thoughts and prayers go up for you and your family. The one solice we have is that one day we will see our loved ones again.
Praying with you for the tremendous loss of this dear boy. And rejoicing with you that we will see him in Heaven.
((HGUS)) from a sister in Christ… Polly
I cannot imagine death without the hope of eternal life we have through Christ Jesus. The image of your precious Jake cradled in the arms of his Heavenly Father makes us all refocus our eyes on eternity, and that life on this earth is but a fleeting second compared. As difficult as this is, we as Christians understand that God knows the end from the beginning. He knows every breath we will take and when we will take our last. My heart grieves with you for the loss and hole in your hearts on this earth. Nothing will ever replace his sweet smile, but rejoice in that we know you will once more hold his hand in glory. May God be with all of you in the weeks and months ahead and keep your eyes focused on Him! xo from afar.
What a beautiful tribute to your sweet Blake. God asks us…"Do you trust Me? Yes, Lord, we do trust You, we don`t understand but we trust You"
Knowing this was His plan from the moment Blake was born, Heaven welcomed him home last week. Your hearts ache for memories you have lost with him but Heaven rejoices with him right there in the presence of our Lord.
So, so hard to understand but how blessed you are to know he is with the Lord, our hope is in Him… Many lives will be touched by his life as you share his story, and through Blake, HIS story will reach many.
Thank you for sharing from your heart. You did a beautiful job…. praying for your family. Tonight, I am most thankful for you, Jennifer, for you boldly speaking of your faith, and sharing with so many. God is using you in a big way……
This was a beautiful tribute to a beautiful young man. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this tragic time.
Sounds like Blake has touched a lot of lives for good. I wanted to share the words of an LDS Hymn that I thought you might like:
Each Life That Touches Ours for Good
Hymn #293
Each life that touches ours for good
Reflects thine own great mercy, Lord;
Thou sendest blessings from above
Thru words and deeds of those who love.
What greater gift dost thou bestow,
What greater goodness can we know
Than Christ-like friends, whose gentle ways
Strengthen our faith, enrich our days.
When such a friend from us departs,
We hold forever in our hearts
A sweet and hallowed memory,
Bringing us nearer, Lord, to thee.
For worthy friends whose lives proclaim
Devotion to the Savior’s name,
Who bless our days with peace and love,
We praise thy goodness, Lord, above.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Blake. What a tragedy. What a comfort, though, that he accepted Christ as his savior and is in heaven right now. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
(I love the picture of him in the bucket. So sweet.)
Miss Mustard Seed
God bless you and your family. You are in my prayers. Blake has now touched our lives as well. What a precious earth angel who has now flown home.
Thank you for doing such a beautiful job of sharing the life of Blake. Will lift you all in prayer.
My heart broke for you and your family as I read this. Words can not express how deeply sadden I am for you all, but my prayers are with you and your family… I am so sorry for your loss.
Thank you for sharing this and reminding me just how precious life is and not to take anything for granted.
I am so sorry for your loss. What an amazing testimony! Saying a prayer for your family now.
Thank you so much for sharing Blake's story with us. What you wrote and the pictures are absolutely beautiful. Blake is an Angel – a beautiful Angel. Our love and prayers are with all of you.
dear mrs hubbard i am so sorry for blake i wish i could have been i better friend to him. love henry collier 1 thessilionas 3:14
Oh my…I don't even know you or your precious family, but I'm sitting here in tears.
What a beautiful child!! I'm so very sorry.
I have an incredible book to share with you. Hopefully you and your family can get.
It's called One Year of Hope, by Nancy Gutherie. She lost 2 sons and it's a devotional. It's filled with beautiful scriptures, as she shares how the Lord helped heal her broken heart.
Your blog is beautiful, a friend recently recommended to me. I'm hooked.
Thanks for sharing so many wonderful things with us.
Blessings to you and your family.
Keep holding fast to Jesus♥
I'm so sad right now after reading your most recent post and rewinding back to this one. I'm so sad for the loss of this sweet, energetic little guy. Yet at the same time it makes me re-evaluate my faith! What an influence he was and still is. I can only hope my little boys can grow up with the fantastic faith, personality, sportsmanship and drive that Blake had at such a young age.It's funny that a young boy has encouraged me to re-evaluate my own life and values. I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the heartache. However, Blake's story is truly an inspiration!
I just read this today. Wow. Hard to believe the huge impact this is having on me. Just makes you realize that the people that are in our lives, and the people that we pass on the street are so, so important and that we should treasure every moment. Thank you for sharing this very powerful story. So thankful that Blake is with Jesus too.
I stumbled upon your Blog through Pinterest. As a mom of curious little boys, my heart breaks for you and your family. I will continue to pray for you and your family.
What a touching way to share Blakes life with us. I want to thank you because my 10 year old son recently had a friend over and they went into the woods behind the neighbors home. My thought was what fun as they make memories as boys playing but this has opened my eyes that danager can be anywhere. I never thought about this and by sharing Blakes story you could have just saved a life. Thank you so much for sharing this story.
Almost a year later and I can't get through this without tears pouring down my face. Bless your family.
Almost a year later and I can't get through this without tears pouring down my face. Bless your family.
Thanks for keeping this website up and running. Rick Hove just shared the video with me. I'm sitting here in a coffee shop in Asia watching it, literally worshiping Christ as a result of Blake's life and story.
Thanks for sharing his life with folks like me who were never fortunate enough to know him. Praying for you guys who are certainly still grieving his passing.