Guess what?
We are hosting another giveaway and this time it is for one of our Briar Children’s Hats!!!!
At the end of this post we will tell you how you can win it!
On another note, it is NOVEMBER!!!! I am so excited. I love November and the official start of the holiday season. Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away and then Lillie’s birthday and then Christmas! Ahhhh! I can barely contain myself. I wish I could hit a slow-motion button right now so these next two months could slooooooowly go by!!!!!
Here is a quote from one of my favorite childhood books: (Oh and by the way, I am hoping to have the Anne of Green Gables thermal along with a few other new thermals for sale by this evening!)


If today is officially November, then that, of course means last night was Halloween. We dressed Lillie up as Pocahontas and took her over to Coach and Mrs. Shaver’s neighborhood to go trick-or-treating. It took her a little while to warm up to the idea but once we got going she seemed to like adding all the candy to her little bucket! Here she is right before we plopped her in the car to head over to the Shaver’s.

Here she is with Coach Shaver helping hand out the candy and eating some herself (she’s got a blue M&M tongue in the second photo).

Oh – and Lillie put the face paint on herself (I had to clean up the smudges a bit) so that is why the lines are REALLY far apart =)
Dana, Jon and I all passed on the costumes but Jamie (who was by far the most excited about going trick-or-treating) and Josh got dressed up as a hunter and a deer.

Okay, so enough on Halloween and on to the Giveaway!
Here are some pictures of Lillie wearing the Briar Hat:

 And here are some photos that some of our customers have sent us of the Briar Hat:
 Click here to visit J Lyn’s website.

 Click here to visit Andrea Hallett’s website.

Click here to visit Monique Porter’s website.
So, how can you win one of these hats?
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post!
You don’t have to have a blog to enter, either. If you aren’t a blogger, just enter a comment and then where it says “comment as” scroll down near the bottom and click on anonymous. However, if you do that, make sure to leave your e-mail address in the comment so that we can contact you if you win! If you have a blog or a profile where we can get your e-mail address then you don’t need to worry about that part. If we draw the name of someone who we have no way of contacting we will simply draw a new name. You can comment each day if you would like to up your chances!
For an extra entry become a follower of our blog!
Just write “follower” as your comment so it counts as an entry.
We will choose a winner and will announce it next Wednesday, November10th!
Happy November!!!!!

Any Birthday Party Ideas?
The Winner of the Thermal Is... (and Some Pictures of the Miss Lillabel)

Project Source List

272 thoughts on “Briar Hat GIVEAWAY and Some Pictures of Our Little Pocahontas

  1. First of all, Lillie's hair is getting so long and her costume was precious!

    I would LOVE to win this hat for Addison, she needs a great hat like this now as its getting colder. Thank you 🙂

  2. i am obsessed with that hat…not sure if lola would keep it on, but it is so cute!

    and little lillie is the cutest pocahontas that i have ever seen, her costume is amazing! good job mama!

  3. Lillie looked adorable! Halloween was so fun this year! Our Jemma was a Renaissance princess! Thanks for sharing the pictures and of the great giveaway!

  4. I never usually enter these contests but the hat is just too cute not to! My 2 year old would love it!! Fingers crossed. 😉

  5. Your daughter is so darn adorable and make that hat look absolutely precious! I much have one for my two little sweethearts 🙂

  6. November is the month of my birthday and my sweet granddaughter Finley Mae. The hat would be adorable on her! I hope you pick me.

  7. I can not get over just how cute Lillie is!!!:) I would Love one of your hats!!!! Paris has been wearing mine here of late….I think she needs her own,lol!

  8. Love the pics of Lillie as Pocahontas!! She is so beautiful. Would love to win Lanie bug a Briar hat to match her mama's!! I LOVE my hat!! Thanks for the chance to win. xo

  9. Love the beautiful pics on your Blog! One of my favorites! I would love to win a beautiful hat for my 2 yr old daughter Ella Rose! Thanks for a great giveway! Good luck everyone!

  10. Hunter and a Deer? That is an awesome idea! 🙂

    That hat is so cute! Count me in!

    cindymikewong at yahoo dot com

  11. What a wonderful giveaway..LOVE LOVE LOVE the girly hat! Fall is my favorite time of year- and can I say, I am an ANNE OF GREEN GABLES die-heart! Thank you for brightening my day with the great quote!

  12. What a sweet little Pocahontas!!:) And I know what you mean about slowing down these next two months…they're my favorite too:)

    Thanks for the cute hat giveaway!!

  13. I am already a follower of your blog (and LOVE it!) Thank you for sharing such wonderful and beautiful posts!
    helen_ono at hotmail dot com

  14. I love this hat! Although I'm afraid I'm too late since your number generator never seems to pick a high number. Cute costume as well!

  15. I am a follower of your blog and I think I'm going to start a blog about our little one when she help keep our families all connected!

  16. I just love your blog and I would love to win. I would give it to my newest grandchild(#6)Malone. She would be so precious wearing it.

  17. I would love to win the briar hat for my granddaughter. I tried to find a pattern like it to make my own but no luck. Love your blog and have passed it on to many friends to follow also. ♥

    ~ Lisa from Indiana ~

  18. Hi Jenni! Beautiful photos of little Lillie, as always. She was an adorable Pocahontas and that blue tongue is hysterical!! It's good to be back, I've missed so much…hope you are doing well. xo


  19. my mom told me about your site after she had dinner with you and your family with rex and nancy last week and i have visted several times since!! i love love love your work. it is beautiful and classic and refreshingly simple.

    can't wait to see what else you come up with!!

  20. I am so in love with this adorable hat it's not even funny. I have been back and forth on etsy for the past month debating on whether to buy it or not but it would be even better to win it!!

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