The girls have been really into baking the last several months and have been begging to do a cupcake and lemonade stand all summer. We originally were just planning on using our folding table but Lola was convinced “we should at least TRY to build something”. I told them if we had enough scrap wood in the garage then we could.
Category: Cakes and Cupcakes
Lillie, Lola and I had some fun making some mini valentine’s cakes last week. They make a fun little dessert so I thought I would share how we did it in case anyone wanted to make some. I had seen several ombre cakes on pinterest and thought it would be fun to try!
I’ve got this one last post here with some random shots and then hopefully after this I will have enough of my more recent photos edited to start posting photos of some of our new products, Jamie’s shower and two photo shoots that we’ve done during the past week and a half.
I had seen this rosette style cake on Pinterest a while back and finally gave it a try! I wanted to make it using chocolate icing though and a yellow cake. Seeing how it was my first time ever using any actual cake decorating tools I didn’t really know what I was doing, but I have to say it turned out to be much easier than I anticipated.