Category: Jenni’s Ohio House 2

Good morning! I hope you all have had a nice week and that your 2025 is off to a great start. We got a whole lot of snow to start off this week which has been great for baking. We’ve made chocolate chip skillet cookies, peanut butter cookies and yummy rolls.

Good morning! Welcome to our Holiday Housewalk 2024. Every year we do a holiday tour. Usually we do it in early December but I’m pretty behind this year so just finally now getting to it. You can see our each of our previous Holiday Housewalks here:  2023 Housewalk, 2022 Housewalk, 2021 Housewalk, 2020 Housewalk, 2019 Housewalk, 2018 Housewalk, 2017 Housewalk, 2016 Housewalk, 2015 Housewalk, 2014 Housewalk, 2013 Housewalk, 2012 Housewalk, 2011 Housewalk.

Every year since the girls were little we have made gingerbread houses. It’s one of my favorite traditions we do each Christmas. We used to make more traditional looking ones but we often had trouble with them falling apart – particularly when the girls were little until we switched over to these A-frame ones from Trader Joe’s several years ago and now we always use that kit because they are so easy to work with!