Category: Girls’ Bathroom

We finally found mirrors for our upstairs bathroom. I had been on the hunt for what seemed like forever and was thrilled to come across these ones from Wayfair. They perfectly matched the faucets and were narrow enough but still nice and tall. They were just what I had in my head.

Well, we still aren’t finished but seeing how it could be months before I find the perfect mirror(s) for above the sink and artwork for above the toilet to help break up the wallpaper a bit so it doesn’t look so busy, I figured I will share photos of the progress we have made so far seeing how it’s nearly done. 

Here is a little reminder of what the bathroom looked like when we moved in.


Although we still have a ways to go before it’s finished I thought I would show you the progress we’ve made so far in our upstairs hall bathroom. We still need to add wallpaper, find mirrors (that has turned out to be a lot harder than I thought!