Hello everyone! Thanks for all of your sweet comments. Lillie is doing much better now, although we both now have pretty bad head colds again! Arghh! I cannot wait for spring!

Anyway, she hasn’t been in much of a mood to nap today so I haven’t gotten ANYTHING done and I have a whole bunch of wholesale orders I need to get started on today, but I just wanted to write real quickly and let you all know that she was doing better and to share with you another one of our FAVORITE blogs: My Sweet Savannah by Melaine Thompson. Go check it out now! You will become addicted and spend hours and hours on it! She has gorgeous taste and has the most beautiful posts! I first discovered her on Rate My Space about a year and a half or so ago. (We both were also featured this Christmas on HGTV.com) She has an Etsy shop full of all kinds of cool items, as well! Here are some photos of her home:

And a quick reminder – Don’t forget to scroll down to our last post and enter our giveaway for one of our rosette tanks!!!! (Or click here)

My New Favorite Room and Giveaway Reminder

Project Source List

2 thoughts on “My Sweet Savannah…..and Giveaway Reminder

  1. Oh yes I love Melaine's blog too! And all the photos of your home on the side are amazing!! No wonder you were featured on HGTV.com. And how I would love to help myself to one of those pink cupcakes. Yum! ~Lili

  2. Glad Lillie is feeling better…sorry to hear about those colds…nothing worse sometimes that a simple cold…anyways wanted to say that your ringbeaer pillow and the garter made by your Mom are just lovely and can't wait to see them in use @ Ash's wedding! Thanks again!

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