I just finished adding the labels to a large batch of our 
 “Hope is the thing with feathers…” tote and they are now BACK IN STOCK
They are just $7.95!
We are currently sold out of both of our shirt designs with this print. We wanted to do a different color-way this time around (our last shirts were olive green with a darker green print and white with a hot pink print). This time we are going to print them on light gray sweatshirts and white thermals. We are torn on which color to print them, though: black, grayish blue or the peach above. 
So… what do you guys think?

Would you prefer a peach, black, or grayish-blue print?

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday! Will be back tomorrow with the photoshop tutorial on how to make eyes pop. I actually have all the step by step screen shots uploaded into blogger I just didn’t have time to add the directions. Hopefully, though, I will be able to do that at some point today or tonight and will have that post ready to go tomorrow. 
Our Fall Family Room and our Reagan Ruffle Pillow Covers
Timeless Settings Giveaway

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12 thoughts on “Totes Back in Stock and a Color Question

  1. Hey Tricia! Yes, I do use Illustrator. I LOVE Illustrator. It took me years to really figure it out but now I much prefer working in it to anything else. I use photoshop for photo editing, of course, but when I add text onto photos I always bring the photo into Illustrator and then start adding text.

    Natalie – it is funny that you say that. I had thought about calling it coral but couldn't decide if it was dark enough so stuck with the more generic peach. =) Maybe I will switch it to coral though!

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