Lola’s crib is now up in Jamie and Josh’s nursery waiting the arrival of their little girl. We had planned on Lola moving into Lillie’s room once she was done with the crib but we tried it several times and it didn’t go so well so we decided to put her back in her room and build her a little toddler bed. Because I figured she wouldn’t sleep in it long I designed it so I could add a tufted back and turn it into a little mini-sofa/daybed for the girls when the time came and we could turn this room into a little bit of a playroom for them (although we also have the full sized bed in here seeing how it also functions as our guest room and it’s not a very big room it will be a bit squishy). Well, guess what? She slept in it great for a couple of nights and then things went downhill and she decided she was ready to sleep in with Lillie and sure enough the last week they’ve been sleeping in there together! So – all that work for two nights in this bed – ahhh! Haha – oh well, I will be turning it into a little sofa/daybed hopefully this week or next and will share pictures once it’s done and I also will have a tutorial for both this little bed and the sofa.

We have these little bunny silhouette pillows now available in our shop! They are perfect for Easter and also for a children’s room!

And yes, I know that with the crib gone the silhouettes are now randomly in the middle of the wall =). They are coming down once I make the bed into a daybed because I have something else I am going to put above it that I am excited about!

Good thing I took some pictures the first day. =)

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday! 
Whatever Souls Are Made of... and some Chalk Art News
Happy February!

Project Source List

33 thoughts on “Lorelei’s Toddler Bed – Part 1

  1. Oh my, she's such a doll! Those transition days are hard at first, but she will get the hang of it. How nice that she gets to share a room with her sister, I know my daughter would LOVE to share a room with her brother, him, not so much ;). Have a great week.

  2. Lola's bed turned out great! It will be fun to see, when you turn it into a mini sofa. Happy Monday! Wishing you all a wonderful week 🙂

    Your blog is so wonderful and Im following…I hope you follow me also:)

    If you want some cute swedish decor inspiration…check out my blog:)

    Have a great week dear

    LOVE Maria at

    1. I know! Times goes by WAY too fast! The owl pillow was a gift from our sweet neighbors and is from Pier 1. They just got it for her recently so I am guessing they still have some.

  4. Awwwww, what a cute little bed. So funny about kids… "best laid plans…" No telling where everyone will end up sleeping!


  5. Looks CUTE Jennifer!!! Can't wait for the tutorial.: ) You style everything so well!
    Have a great week!
    Leah: )

  6. What a cutie..
    So glad for you that it worked out in the sleeping arrangement department..
    Looking forward to the tutorial..

  7. Oh my word, how cute is that bed? And the owl pillow! Where did you find that? I think I need it in my life. 🙂 You have such great taste.

  8. How beautiful! I love the branch hanging over the bed, what a sweet idea! Love all the things on the dresser too, everything looks beautiful!

  9. A good idea, we have to design a room for our children by providing fun in his room, let him be comfortable when resting.

  10. You constantly amaze me with your creativity! This is amazing. We're in the process of donating our Ava's crib and moving her to a "big girl" bed. She's 3 next month…I held off as long as I could! lol.

    1. Hi, Ashley! The quilt was a gift so I'm not sure where it came from, and I have no idea where the other blanket was from (we got it so long ago)–sorry!

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