Good morning! I hope you are having a wonderful week! This is my last post before I take a little holiday break. Today I wanted to share a few pictures of my office with the holiday accents I added in here. And as always Teddy plops his way into quite a few of my photos.

Good morning! I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! Every year since they were tiny the girls and I make gingerbread houses. We’ve bought quite a few different kits over the years and have found some work better than others and we have so much fun doing it but I have to say I don’t think we’ve ever had any that actually turned out very pretty – haha!

Good morning! Can you believe Christmas is just one week away?!? We wanted to offer you two more free downloadable prints as another little gift to you. It has been such a long year and I know we are all ready for it to be over.

Unlike our oversized chalkboard prints that are designed to be printed extra large these are designed to be printed on regular 8.5 by 11 cardstock and can be printed right on your home printer.

Good morning. I hope you all are having a nice week. Today I thought I would share a few pictures of our bonus room with you. I really rushed when I was taking these and the lighting was bad so I am not happy at all with how the photos turned out but seeing how I took them I figured I might as well share them – haha!