Good morning! Although I am working on a few different projects, they are taking a little longer than normal thanks to the fact that life is a bit different these days. So seeing how I don’t have anything new to share today I figured I would share a little vignette in our living room.

Good morning! How are you all doing? Like all of you, we’ve been adjusting to our new life of home schooling and social distancing as we pray for those effected across the entire globe. It is both heartbreaking and surreal.

Thanks to the girls doing their schooling from home and me continuing to try to get at least some work done, the desks in our house sure have gotten a lot of use!

Goodness, it sure has been a crazy week as we all prepare for the coronavirus. With everything that is going on I don’t have much to say that doesn’t seem completely frivolous, so I am just popping in with a few pictures from our bonus room and some lighter pillows we swapped out for the warmer months that are on their way.

Good morning! I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! I can’t believe we are already a full week into March. I don’t have much new to share today but I did want to share a few spring pictures of our kitchen.


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Just popping in with a couple of pictures I quickly took the other day of this little nook in our master bedroom.

And here is a little peek at tomorrow’s post which features some lighter weight bedding for the spring and summer months!

That’s it for today!