I am still plugging away on several hand-drawn Christmas chalkboard designs, but seeing how we’ve been getting requests about Christmas prints I thought we would introduce some of our past Christmas designs that are going to be available for the first time this year as both chalkboard and colored prints!

The first one that is now available in our shop is our Drummer Boy Silhouette. We have it available as a chalkboard print:

and also in cranberry on white

And our drummer boy pillow covers are now back in stock:
We also have our drummer boy cutouts available again in both black:

and Cream:
 And our Joy cutouts are available again in black:

and in cream too:

You can see both the cream joy cutouts and cream drummer boys on our tree last year:

Don’t worry – we haven’t skipped over Thanksgiving. Our Pilgrim Boy pillow covers are now available as well. 

We’ve restocked several other pillow covers too like our Joy to the World ones in black and cranberry and our Silent Night/Holy Night sets in white. Just click here to see our pillow cover section. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week! I’ve got our living room photographed with our new rug so I will try to get those pictures ready to post soon and we are getting really really close to being done with the entryway and powder room so hopefully I will be able to photograph those next week! And if it ever stops raining I think I’ll be able to photograph the front of our house. We took down the shutters over the weekend and then painted the front door and I am so much happier with how it looks now.  Then it’s back to the upstairs. I’ve got the trimwork all primed in the hallway upstairs. Now I just need to give it about four coats of Simply White (not looking forward to that!) then paint the doors and walls and I will finally be able to start on one of the bedrooms! I can’t wait! 
We Finally Have a Rug! (Our "Finished" Family Room)
Thermals are Here!

Project Source List

12 thoughts on “I Played My Drum for Him, Parum Pum Pum Pum…

  1. You amaze me with your energy and the way you have transformed your home so quickly.
    Put on some fun music as you head upstairs to paint some more. Bless your heart, I know I would of been done after the kitchen and family room.

  2. well it late and I was just going to head off to bed but, I thought I would check one more time to see if you put up a new post. You had not when I was on my computer earlier in the evening. And I so love going to your blog first to see if you got something new. I follow it religiously(?) But I also wanted to say I love your determination on getting your house in order and finished. I would be the same way though. People always tell me it will be there tomorrow but why not get started on it today is my motto, lol! Your house is coming along so beautiful and I am sure you are trying so hard to get things done before the holiday are here. But try to take it easy some and just know that your hard work is really paying off! Shawn(follower from Md.)

  3. Hi there…just discovered your blog. I love the paint color on the wall in the first picture on this particular post where the large clock is. Would you mind sharing it? I looked under paint colors but couldn't find this particular room. Thank you so much! I must now set my alarm for the date during the last week of October so I can order the growth chart–so cute.

  4. Hi there…I just discovered this site and I love it. Would you please share the color on the wall of the first picture in this post–with the large clock on it? I tried to find it in paint colors, but could not. Thank you1

  5. Would you please share which clock this is on a Joss and Main? Love the wall and cutouts? Do you ever make smaller silhouettes? I saw dome on the Old Painted cottage that we're on napkin rings.

  6. Your house looks so great already. Love all the silhouettes that you make and pillows. Do you recall the name of this clock you got from Joss and Main?

  7. The drummer boy is a classic part of the christmas story and I really like how many different options you have for it. The pillow is a fun idea. Thanks for sharing.

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