This year I didn’t really do any real decorating in Lillie’s room. We put a little tree in her window seat area that she decorated completely herself and then we made quite a few little yarn trees (per her request) and put them out with some feather boas (to look like snow) and that was it. It wasn’t what I had planned on doing originally, but it was nice and simple and she had a lot of fun.
For her yarn trees she picked out three different shades of pink. (I only used the lighter two on the trees in these photos). We will have a tutorial up soon on how to make these.

 The little stocking my mom made her for her first Christmas four years ago.

Here’s a shot of Lillie’s little tree:

She and Lola put a bunch of their toys underneath it and pretend they are presents.
 And here is one of the trees she made herself. =)

I also wanted to let you know we restocked our table runners:

Have a beautiful Friday!

Another round of Christmas Card Outtakes
Our Christmas Mantel

Project Source List

24 thoughts on “Lillie’s Christmas Room

  1. Aww….Lillie's tree is adorable! You have to save that and show her when she's older. My Mom saved some of my Christmas ornaments I made when I was Lillie's age and my Dad brought me over the box of them last week. We had such fun going through them. Lillie's room is so pretty. Have a great Friday Jennifer.

  2. Pushing chair from under me. Standing up. Hands clapping, clapping, clapping for Lillie and Lola. They re soooo very creative. No doubt thanks to your inspiration and encouragement.

    A Christmas toast to you and your family this wonderful holiday season…

    Wishing you more happiness
    Than all my words can tell,
    Not just alone for Christmas
    But for all the year as well.


  3. Those yarn trees are adorable and I can see those being fairly easy too. Looking forward to seeing your tutorial for them. I love that you can customize them for any color palette too.

    1. Thanks! The table was a side table from an antique store called White Home Collections in Wilton NH. My dad cut the legs down for me so it could be a little desk for Lillie. The chair was from the same place, although it was in a different "booth".

  4. I love the pink trees! I guessed at how your trees were originally done and made some in cream in various yarns and they turned out decorative and worth the effort. I thing your choice of pink is something I will try. They are so cute and so simple! My fav pic of your post is Lillie's tree. Red and pink together! How can that be wrong. Lovingly following your blog. You have so many valuable shares that I have to try them! God Bless all of you, not only your little ones, but what you do to share!

  5. Precious! Your sweet Miss Lillie is taking after you Jenni. I love the whimsical touch of the pink trees with the boa. Polka dots + princesses + gifts= perfection Lillie!! Happy Weekend! Enjoy!!

    What type of soft & fluffy yarn did you use on the trees?

    1. Thanks! To be honest, I have no idea! Haha! I will look and see if I have the packaging, but I am pretty sure I threw it out. =( I got it at Joann's if that helps.

  6. So sweet – and I bet she loves participating! I really admire the way you involve the girls in your projects, and allow them to own some aspects of them.
    And the yarn trees are so great because if you ever get tired of the colours you could easily change them up by putting other colours overtop. Not that I'd ever get tired of pink and white yarn trees myself, but…


  7. Thank you for showing Lillie's room and especially her Christmas tree. I'm sure she was excited to see her creation on the blog. Your home and your girls are so lovely!

  8. The trees in pink look so pretty and I love the boa as snow. Looks like a fairyland! Such cute ideas as always. Can't wait to see all your uploads. You are so inspiring. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. The room is beautiful! I have to ask…where did you get the angel wings…they are so darling! My little wants a pair!

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