Happy Sunday! I hope you all are having a lovely weekend. I just wanted to pop in today to share a few pictures of our mudroom/laundry room with a few little fall touches. We added some of my favorite green and white pumpkins in here. I love the different shades they come in.

Good morning! I hope your weekend is off to a good start! Today I wanted to share some pictures of a wreath I made a couple of days ago. I made two of these so they could go on our front doors. Each wreath cost me between $39 to make.

Good morning! I hope you all are having a lovely weekend. This Sunday I am joining with some of my blogging friends to share a Candlelit Fall Tour for our Seasons of Home Series. I absolutely love having candles lit all throughout our house – particularly in the fall and winter months.

Good morning! I hopeĀ  you are having a great start to your week. We are having a photoshoot for a magazine at our house this week so it’s been quite busy here. Today I wanted to share some simple fall touches we added to our bonus room last week.

Good morning! I hope you are all having a lovely weekend. Today I am joining some of my blogging friends for another installment of our Seasons of Home tour. Today we are sharing cozy touches we have added to our homes for autumn. I will be sharing the warm and cozy touches we added to our bedroom along with a little peek at a few cozy touches we have added to some other rooms as well.

Good morning! I took quite a photos of several rooms this week for some upcoming posts (including tomorrow’s which features our bedroom) and Ruby and Teddy managed to make their way into just about all of them. They are both looking pretty scruffy – they actually went to the groomers the day AFTER I took these photos.