Our pink version of our “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” thermal is now in stock! Sorry for the lack of posting. I ended up getting really sick last week so got terribly behind on everything from e-mails to blog posts. I was feeling a little better over the weekend and was able to get a good bit of Christmas decorating done so that I could finally take some product shots yesterday. I got through editing a good bit of them last night and should have a post ready by tonight.

I hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday!

Have yourself a merry little christmas prints and download
Plans for the Upstairs

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8 thoughts on “Pink “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” Thermal

  1. So sorry to hear that you were not feeling well; take care! I'm looking forward to seeing the Christmas decor in your new home, I just know it will be lovely:) Have a blessed day!

  2. Awwh! Jenni, so sorry that you weren't feeling well. I know that throws everything off when that happens. It takes atleast a week to catch up on things. If there really is such a thing as catching up in life when you have a family. Bu,t I cant wait to see some of your Christmas décor in your home. I know its going to be beautiful! And I so love seeing a new post from you, I truly get sad when there is nothing new posted. lol! But just know that you can only do what you can do in life and that's just plan good enough!! Everything always gets done, don't worry!! (Even if it means staying up till 3-4 in the morning to get it done lol!) Glad to see your feeling better!! God bless always!! Shawn follower in Md.

  3. Hi Jennifer, Just want to say I love your little drummer boy cutouts and the pillow – they are precious. I bought the cutouts and framed some of them in black oval frames. I'm giving them as gifts if I can stand to let them go, they are so cute. I'm going to check out your website for some more gift ideas. I really appreciate your fast shipping and the quality of your items. Thanks!

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