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11 thoughts on “Somewhere Over the Rainbow Cards

  1. They are wonderful! I can't believe how pretty the script and writing on the "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" card is. I mean all of your script is amazing, but the combinations on that one are just so magical and charming… I'm going to have to go to your shop and check them out…


  2. I just found your wonderful shop and then blog!!! I ordered the new "over the rainbow" cards and a print of "think to myself" and the postcards for it as well!!! I was bummed because the "happy birthday" tags were sold out…..poor me!! So glad to have found you – and I'll be back!!!

  3. Beautiful!! I'm sure you've probably been asked this a 1000 times, but have you ever considered turning your gorgeous penmanship into a font? That's certainly something I'd buy!!

    Jeannine @ The Concrete Cottage

  4. Getting cards in the mail is so special! They truly make the holidays that much more festive. I love that white tulip so much! cards is sooo pretty!!

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