Category: Tutorials

Chocolate Valentine’s Day Cupcakes

On Thursday we made Valentine’s Day cupcakes for Lola’s class. I had thought we might make some red velvet ones with cream cheese frosting for a festive feeling but she very specifically requested yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting. Haha! So, we made some nice basic yellow cupcakes and then dressed them up a tiny bit with some different swirls and little embellishments on top.

Good morning! I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! As promised, today I am going to share a quick little video tutorial on how to make both of these cupcakes. And then later this week I am hoping to finish up one for the tulips style ones.

Good morning! I hope your weekend is off to a great start. Today we wanted to share a few pictures of our entryway and a wreath that I made for it. After Thanksgiving I will also add a fresh cedar garland to the staircase but I am holding off on that because it usually only last about 3 to 4 weeks so I like waiting until the weekend after Thanksgiving to put up my fresh garland.

Good morning! I hope your week is going well. I have been plugging away on my handmade ornaments and today wanted to share two different pom pom style garlands I made for a tree in our entryway to dress it up a bit. We have a DIY Pom Pom garland as well as a DIY felt ball garland.

Good morning! I hope your weekend is off to a good start! Today I wanted to share some pictures of a wreath I made a couple of days ago. I made two of these so they could go on our front doors. Each wreath cost me between $39 to make.