Good morning! Today I wanted to share with you the progress we’ve made in Lillie’s room. Last week we shared Lola’s UNC Tar Heel themed room and today we have Lillie’s Coastal Teen Bedroom. Back in November we installed this Palm Tree Mural from our partner, Olive et Oriel.
Well, we are just about finished with Lola’s UNC Tar Heels room so thought we would share it along with all of the details and source information. I’m still waiting on one pillow (which at this point I think may have gotten lost in transit because it was supposed to be here a while ago) and then a rug.
Good afternoon! I hope you all are enjoying your weekend. I’ve spent the last week or two working on both Lillie and Lola’s room. I plan on sharing Lola’s room tomorrow or Tuesday and then am still waiting on a couple more things for Lillie’s room before I photograph and share hers (although you can follow along in our instagram the progress we are making in both Lillie and Lola’s rooms).
Good morning! I hope you all are having a nice weekend. This time of year always feels to dreary so I’ve been doing lots of organizing (you can see our hall closet and pantry makeovers I did in January here and here) and also like finding little ways to cozy up the house.
I have always enjoyed getting our pantries organized (you can see some of our previous pantries here, here, here and here) and today wanted to share the DIY Pantry Shelves I did last week for our current home’s pantry.
With the holidays behind us and all the Christmas decor put away the house often feels a bit bare initially. Typically though I take this time to do a bit of organizing (you can see the closet organizing I just finished here in this post) and I actually just made over our pantry last week which I am hoping to photograph tomorrow and share this weekend.