Good morning! For the past twelve years we’ve participated in a Holiday Housewalk along with a bunch of other bloggers. This year was the final year for it, and I   wasn’t able to participate because of the timing but I do want to continue having a full Christmas tour every year in one place on the blog so here is my Holiday Housewalk 2023 (just a bit later than usual).

Good morning. Although we’ve had most of our Christmas decorating done for a while now I did just recently add some more faux and fresh garland to finish some of the spaces off. I    added a dried orange slice garland to the shelf in our kitchen, and then I found some garland (I doubled it up to look thicker) I hadn’t used yet this year (but have had for years, similar can be found here) in one of my Christmas bins and hung that on the small bit of railing we have on the stairs and added in some battery operated lights and tied on a velvet bow.