Good morning! In between other projects, I am slowly trying to tackle the closets in our house and change out the wire shelving for wood shelves. You can see our entryway closet here. Last week I needed a break from the bathroom project and decided to finally tackle this closet in our laundry room.
Good morning! I can’t believe it’s Labor Day weekend! What a strange summer it has been. I finished up three bathrooms this week! Well, two real ones and one dollhouse one – haha! I shared part of our main bathroom makeover last weekend and then installed the flooring earlier this week so once I get the photos taken and edited I will be sharing that.
Good evening! This week I have been plugging away on three different projects including making over our main bathroom. One thing that was tricky moving into a new house vs. an older one was the fact that I knew it would be wasteful and not financially wise to redo the bathrooms even though they weren’t particularly my taste.
Good morning! Well, I am getting ready to start on some real house projects this week but wanted to share our third finished room in our dollhouses this morning. And then it might be a few weeks before we get around to the final room in our dollhouses but once we do we will share the fully finished photos.
Good morning! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! A couple of weeks ago we shared the details on the kitchens we made for our inexpensive IKEA dollhouses and today I wanted to share the photos and source info for our second room in our dollhouse – the study.
Good morning! Here is my attempt at a tutorial for how we made the cabinetry for our dollhouses. You can read more about the dollhouse kitchens here. You can also check out our highlights section on Instagram from pictures and to keep up with the room we are working on now (the study).